Location: Whitfield, Pennsylvania, United States

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Do You Hear That?

I can feel my ears you hear that? That's right! My phone isn't ringing, my TV isn't yelling, my mailperson's load is lighter, the newspaper is a bit thinner, the signs are disappearing. Could it be? Yes, it is...the end of the election.

It's interesting to observe elections year to year. This year was more annoying than interesting. Who knows? Maybe I'm just getting older and less patient.

I'm always glad when different parties have little pieces of the power to govern. That kind of situation makes the economy better for the middle class because sheer numbers of opinions need to be considered.
Helicopter Parents

I read an article in the Reading Eagle yesterday that once again bemoans Baby Boomer parents. It seems that some parents are contacting children's employers during the interview or performance review process. EGADS!! I'd be SOO embarassed if that happened to me. My theory here is that these parents are the "children" of the sixties, where shouting loud was considered a good thing. Now these same people feel the need to carry on this grand tradition by taking over their children's lives.

This kind of action is training kids to be passive. That is not a good option.

At the same time, though, I have to say that maybe my theory is wrong. Maybe these parents are simply "enablers" and there are such people in every generation. I know people in their thirties and forties who have mom do the shopping for them, or buy all the food/drinks for parties at the kid's house. Other people financially drain their parents or grandparents and that's still not enough for their dreams.

That's not good, either. Children do need support from their parents throughout their lives. Don't create a monster that always yells "Feed me" at every turn...whether that feeding is emotional, financial, material or whatever.

Emma puts it best....she must have heard it somewhere in her six year old travels...."Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home." She picks up the darndest sayings. Six going on thirty....

Enjoy your piece of the silence today.


Blogger Jess said...

I agree with you entirely. It's sad because you see interfering parents more and more, and it's not just affecting those children now but EVERYBODY.

13 November, 2006 12:35  

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