Location: Whitfield, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, August 18, 2006

Dangerous Mouth

I recently discovered a father who is telling his son that women should be subservient to men. This man's ego has got him into trouble before because he has served time in a federal prison.

The boy must have been somewhat troubled by this information because he shared it with his grandmother (his mother's mother). I'm sure she was horrified, but not shocked, considering the source. She told him that piece of information was false. I don't think she told him why, though. I wish I could have talked to the boy instead.

Unfortunately, the boy took this information back to his father. Now (you guessed it) he does not see his grandmother. The boy's mother is an emotional wreck and incapable of standing up to Mr. Ego. Mr. Ego's girlfriend, if she has a lick of sense, would not stand for this. After all, she's the money in their relationship. Gee, I wonder who is subservient there?


Dear *****,

Women and men are here on earth to help each other, to bless each other, to continue the human race together. God wants you to honor both of your parents equally. One parent is not "better" than another parent, just different. There is a Chinese symbol called ying and've probably seen it. It shows how two unlike parts make a unified whole.

Look at all the wonderful women in your life: your mother, your grandmothers, your aunts, your cousins, your teachers, your nurses and other medical personnel. How about the woman who is the U.S. Secretary of State? How about all the great women in our past, like Marie Curie? What about the holy women of the church, like St. Therese of Lisieux? The strong women mentioned in the Bible are inspiring: Ruth and Naomi, Esther, Leah, Rachel, Mary Magdalene, Elizabeth, Sarah...Of course, then, there is the greatest woman of all, our Blessed Mother.

Please remember that, no matter what your father says, nobody is "better than" anybody else regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, financial status or disposition. I am praying that you will follow the right path.



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