Location: Whitfield, Pennsylvania, United States

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Garden Drive In

I just got an e-mail from the Garden Drive-in that they are back open for business after the June flooding out.

We had loads of fun at the Garden growing up and into our teenage years. I planned on making a visit with my kids this summer. We also would visit the Moonlight drive in or I think it was called the West Side drive-in.

All three of us would put our jammies on and gather snacks for the show. Dad and Mom always insisted on parking in a certain spot close to the rest room and snack bar...just in case. We got a good speaker, propped it on the window and got as comfortable as you can get in the back seat of a Chevy with your siblings.

I think we might have been viewing one of the Herbie movies, or maybe some other movie with Dean Jones in it, when my sister stated that she needed to use the rest We exited the white Chevy with the red interior, and went to the snack bar on our left. After using the facilities and adjusting our jammies appropriately, we headed back to the car.

All three of us jumped into the back seat of the Chevy. Unfortunately, it wasn't our Chevy with the red interior. There was a young couple making out in the front seat. Oops...wrong car, wrong side of the snack bar. We bolted out of that Chevy faster than we exited our own! (So much for my sense of direction!) I don't even think we apologized....

Ah, yes...the follies of our youth (snicker...)


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