Location: Whitfield, Pennsylvania, United States

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I ran into Padre today, walking across campus. He's our Catholic priest assigned to this university, and has helped me when I asked him to come into a class where I was teaching Dan Brown's plot driven mega-money maker, The DaVinci Code. Padre faced the students fearlessly, and was quite at home in the classroom. I hope that he spends more time there.

We almost lost him a year or two ago. He was stopped at a light near Cabela's when a tractor trailer drove into him. After seeing the car, I couldn't believe anybody survived. Padre had a painful recovery, but somehow made it back to our campus. His survival is one of many miracles I have personally witnessed in my life.

God didn't let him off too easily, though. Today he is walking with a cane because he now fractured his leg or foot. He's supposed to "stay off it" but there he is, walking by the library on a beautiful spring day. He is true to his mission.

What a happy soul, with a gift to read people...we are fortunate to have him here. I am looking forward to our next visit...The DaVinci Code movie and then food at Victor Emmanuel's. He promised to wear his collar to rile things up. We're in for a good time.

God, please bless our Padre...and his fracture.


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